Selector Desco

KARIN LAW / Ley N° 21.643

As of August 1, 2024, Law Nº 21.643, denominated “Karin” Law, becomes applicable, whose objective is the modification of the Labor Code related to “Prevention, investigation and punishment for sexual harassment, work-related harassment and violence in workplace”. In accordance with the stated above, DESCO is taking measures to promote equality among collaborators that work for our Company to eradicate: any discrimination in the terms referred to in the Labor Code; any constitutive conduct of sexual harassment, any constitutive conduct of work-related harassment, any constitutive conduct of violence in the workplace. In said context, DESCO declares its commitment to these duties by creating a culture of prevention based on five points:

1) The elaboration of a Prevention Protocol that gathers policies and principles of prevention of sexual and work-related harassment and violence in the workplace.

2) Elaboration of a procedure for the Investigation of sexual and work-related harassment and violence in the workplace, applied within the structure of our company and based on what is required by the Law and newsletters of SUCESO.

3) Incorporate the above-mentioned instruments in our Regulations and Rules of Hygiene and Safety by means of an Annex.

4) Disseminate and inform our Collaborators regarding DESCO’s point of view.

5) Early Psychological Attention for Collaborators that could be affected by sexual and work-related harassment and violence in the workplace. (Special Voluntary Procedure) Below you can download:

These instruments detail the general concepts and how to proceed when facing these conducts and acts.

“All of us are Desco”